Discovering The Secrets of The Red Sea

Watch the highly anticipated sequel to one of the most critically acclaimed chapters in the Patterns of Evidence Series and save 10% on HD Digital Downloads of both Red Sea Miracle films today.

$29.90 $27.00

Discovering The Secrets of The Red Sea

★★★★★ 1000+ reviews

Watch the highly anticipated sequel to one of the most critically acclaimed chapters in the Patterns of Evidence Series and save 15% on both Red Sea Miracle films today

Discovering The Secrets of The Red Sea

Watch the highly anticipated sequel to one of the most critically acclaimed chapters in the Patterns of Evidence Series and save 15% on both Red Sea Miracle films today

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Separating Mysteries From The Miracle

This two-part bundle is the latest and most-anticipated film in Tim Mahoney’s Patterns of Evidence Series. Experience a researched, reliable, and relatable exploration of Biblical History.

People worldwide continue to use the Patterns of Evidence films as a resource for knowledge and a starting point for their own faith-based Journeys.

Our “Thinker” community consists of thousands who watched, absorbed, and continue to discuss the implications of Tim’s discoveries.

Who Can Benefit From Patterns of Evidence?

  • Anyone Curious about Ancient History
  • Fans of Exploratory Documentaries
  • People of Faith Interested in The Word
  • Families In Need of an Uplifting Message

No one person can have all the answers, but searching for answers is a fulfilling part of life. We hope you can use this series to educate yourself, start a conversation, and share with friends, family, or whoever may need to hear it.

Start Your Journey As A Thinker Today

The Red Sea Miracle pt. I: $20.00 DVD Retail

The Red Sea Miracle pt. II: $20.00 DVD Retail

(Limited-Time Offer Applies)

Faith Under Fire

People of all walks of life are abandoning faith every day, replacing it with books and volumes of what they can easily explain.

But, as people search for a unified answer for everything, we are leaving behind truth that is critical to our faith. The claims of science, history, archaeology, and geography require that both sides of the theory must be analyzed and heard. This is what you'll get…

Patterns of Evidence and its creator Tim Mahoney look to redefine what it means to give the other side a voice, with calculated, researched, and reliable alternatives to the modern world’s opinions.

The Red Sea Miracle pt. I & II tell the other side of the story while searching for answers to the following:

  • Is there evidence for the Crossing of The Red Sea after the Israelites Exodus from Egypt?
  • Where would they have crossed?
  • How could thousands of feet of water be parted at the Red Sea?
  • Was the sea merely parted by the act of nature draining through a shallow Egyptian lake as posed by skeptics and scholars
  • Who was right?

If the Bible’s stories are true, it means scholars and scientists are missing something.... Now, see the evidence for The Red Sea Miracle as the Bible comes alive with dramatic recreations, 3D animations, and never seen before footage.

HD Digital Download

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What People Are Saying

“Very well done. Gave us food for thought and brought out things we never thought of before. We have learned something new with all the videos Tim has made."

Faith K.

"I absolutely ate up...ABSORBED all the info presented in the films! Great way to start discussions in a Bible study! The filming on location was divine. I felt I was there!"

Isaac S., Thinker

“Excellent documentary -
Very informative and educational. It just proves the existence of Moses and the Christian faith"


“This documentary provides a great amount of evidence for parts of the Bible shows that everyone is looking at the same clues, and it is all about how you interpret them."


"If you want to grow in your knowledge of the Bible, this is a good movie for you, with great graphics and videos and experts."


Realizing The Research: Tim Mahoney

Meet Timothy Mahoney—Documentarian, author, husband, father of four married children, and grandfather of eight.

As the author of the Patterns of Evidence film series, Tim and his team published four documentaries, providing a believer’s insight into the Old Testament’s mysteries while accruing several awards like Best Director, Best Cinematography, and Best Documentary.

Meet Timothy Mahoney—Documentarian, author, husband, father of four married children, and grandfather of eight.

As the author of the Patterns of Evidence film series, Tim and his team published four documentaries, providing a believer’s insight into the Old Testament’s mysteries while accruing several awards like Best Director, Best Cinematography, and Best Documentary.

How did Patterns of Evidence start?

Working in TV and Film for over thirty years, Tim’s favorite memories of his career began as interviewing Biblical Scholars to find the truth within Biblical History. Liberal, Conservative—it didn’t matter. Tim was enthralled by the scope and implications of how the Bible’s story is told and interpreted.

He spent years and years interviewing, learning, and researching to answer a question which resurfaced from his youth:

“How do we know that what happened in The Bible is True?”

This question’s importance was just too significant to ignore, and there was so much still undiscovered. Tim sought to advocate for the believers, using the advancements in science and archaeology to help him. To accomplish this, every discovery had to be balanced, fair, and reliable. This is why he began the Patterns of Evidence series—to merge the scientific, analytic, historical, and biblical histories in search of a standard connection between faith and the modern world.

Do you believe?

Follow Tim on his latest journey, and follow the pattern of evidence for yourself, and join the worldwide phenomenon today!

(Limited-Time Offer Applies)

Save 10% On The Newest Discoveries and Get:

Red Sea Miracle Pt. 1 + 2

  • Over 4 Hours of Feature-Film content
  • A full exploration of The Red Sea Miracle, and Tim’s discoveries
  • Dozens of interviews from the brightest scholars, theologians, and scientists in the field today
  • Format: HD Digital Download - International Offer
  • Screen Format: Widescreen
  • Audio: 5.1 DOLBY DIGITAL
  • Rating: Dove Family Approved
  • Run Time: 142 minutes RSM2

Tim’s Journey has become a foundation of faith for people worldwide, but there’s always more to be discovered.

Inspiring, and essential to anyone curious about truth in ancient history, share the Red Sea Miracle Pt. 1 and 2 bundle with your family today for just $27.00

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The Red Sea Miracle pt. I

Tim started his journey with a straightforward question: “Are miracles of this kind even possible?”

The Old Testament and Torah describe the Israelites crossing a deep sea that was miraculously split with walls of water on their right and left. When the Egyptians and their chariot force pursued, the water came crashing back down to destroy the entire army.

Modern science debates this story; so what in history can be shown as accurate? If there is a pattern of evidence to explain such a miracle, we must establish where it happened first.

The Red Sea Miracle pt. I explored two different schools of thought on the crossing location: The Egyptian and the Hebrew interpretation. Tim hears from professionals, scholars, and theological figureheads of the area to hear both sides. Tim expands the scope of his search in each, to go further than science has gone before...

What he discovered changed him forever.

The Red Sea Miracle pt. II

A miracle of this size, or any, is proof of Divine intervention. As a filmmaker and documentarian, Tim knew that his work to discover it would push him farther than anything in his career. The Red Sea Miracle II is the continuation and crescendo of Tim’s research. Going farther to find the true entry point of the sea, and diving deeper into these ancient waters, Tim gathers the most eclectic and structured pattern of evidence for this miraculous event yet. With so much at stake, the scientific, religious, and historical community needed answers.  

  • Can we say for certain where this occurred?
  • Was this just a freak occurrence of nature?
  • Is there evidence of Egyptian Soldiers on the seafloor?
  • What would it mean for the world to know miracles can happen?

Dive into the sea with Tim, and search for the evidence. Join Patterns of Evidence as they confer with the best minds of our time. See how scholars, and scientists interact and discuss what a miracle could even mean.

The value of this research is possibly the most significant in the Patterns of Evidence series. Get your copies today, a $40.00 value for $27.00 when you download the HD Digital versions now!

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The Best and Brightest In Their Fields:
The Red Sea Miracle pts. I-II Cast Preview


Egyptologist – University of Vienna


Environmental Geographer
– Author ‘The Lost Sea of the Exodus’


Old Testament scholar, geographer, and cartographer
– Author ‘Moody Bible Atlas’


Investigative Filmmaker, Author ‘Patterns of Evidence
– A Filmmaker’s Journey’

  • Hear ideas from all sides of the debate...
  • Take a journey back to the lands of the Bible...
  • Follow the search for answers to one of the Bible’s biggest mysteries...
  • And share the discoveries with friends and family, and become a Thinker today!

Order now and receive 10% off for a limited time. Be sure to hurry to become one of the first to see the full scope of this miraculous journey!

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